From the Helm | Boating Broadcast | LIVE Aboard the Aquila 70 at Palm Beach

MarineMax From The Helm Boating Broadcast is an entertaining take on the boating and yachting lifestyle. Tune in to the weekly video podcast that connects boat owners, innovators, and leaders in the boating industry. 

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From the Helm, Boating Broadcast is brought to you by MarineMax, the nation’s largest boat retailer.


Lisa and Kelley meet up with YachtWorld correspondent Ryan McVinney at the 35th Palm Beach International Boat Show to get the inside scoop on the all-new Aquila 70 Luxury Power Catamaran in this exclusive LIVE episode of From the Helm | Boating Broadcast. Bring your questions!


You can see or hear more episodes of Boating Broadcast and our sister podcast, Boating Tips LIVE, on The MarineMax Blog, accessible on the website or via mobile phone through the MarineMax App. or you can also access more episodes on Amazon, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast news. We hope you enjoyed today's Boating Broadcast, as always, Stay healthy, boat happy!

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