From the Helm | Boating Broadcast | DEEP Apparel

MarineMax From The Helm Boating Broadcast is an entertaining take on the boating and yachting lifestyle. Tune in to the weekly video podcast that connects boat owners, innovators, and leaders in the boating industry. 

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After Tom Brady moved from New England to Tampa Bay to join the Buccaneers, he decided he needed a boat. The family settled on a Wajer 55 S day yacht, used for this year's Super Bowl victory parade. Like many boaters, Brady decided he needed a little more space and upgraded to a new Wajer 77. Looking for a boat to call your own? Shop the latest from MarineMax online.

Next up, Robert De Niro is opening a new Caribbean Restaurant called Nobu in Barbuda. Located in the eastern Caribbean near Antigua, the island is known for secluded pink and white sand beaches. Foodies will come by boat or helicopter or by short jaunt from the tents at the Barbuda Ocean Club. If you'd rather stay on your boat and conjure up a feast, check out our top 10 boating recipes

NOAA is giving away a once-in-a-lifetime fishing experience in the Florida keys! To participate in the photo contest, submit your favorite "catch" photo and caption and then vote for your favorite photo. Those with the most votes will win the grand prize trip of a lifetime to the Florida Keys.

Lastly, The Aquila 54 Walkthrough Video is HERE! Take an in-depth tour showing all the features of the latest power catamaran from Aquila (inside and out). Offering a wide variety of purpose-built power catamarans is just one element of Aquila's rapid success. From high-performance 32 and 36 sport catamarans to commercially operated excursion craft to the luxurious world-class cruising yachts. 


Michael Croteau is the Owner/VP of DEEP Apparel,  an eco-conscious clothing company focused on making comfortable clothing that is fitted both for the elements and for dinner and drinks. They recently initiated a full company push to eco-conscious products, banning single-use plastic bags, in an epic collaboration with Kenny Chesney's No Shoes Reefs foundation! Learn more about the company, the #DEEPBalloonChallenge, and easy ways you can support the environment. 


The social media world provides hours of entertainment. First up, see why size matters when it comes to motors. Next, prepare to be mesmerized by a different game of fetch with an unexpected retriever.


You can see or hear more episodes of Boating Broadcast and our sister podcast, Boating Tips LIVE, on The MarineMax Blog, accessible on the website or via mobile phone through the MarineMax App. or you can also access more episodes on Amazon, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast news. We hope you enjoyed today's Boating Broadcast, as always, Stay healthy, boat happy!

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