From the Helm | Boating Broadcast | Humane Society of the Treasure Coast

MarineMax From The Helm Boating Broadcast is an entertaining take on the boating and yachting lifestyle. Tune in to the weekly video podcast that connects boat owners, innovators, and leaders in the boating industry. 

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From the Helm, Boating Broadcast is brought to you by MarineMax, the nation’s largest boat retailer.


First up, a look at Ocean Alexander’s 27E pocket superyacht, another collaboration with London-based yacht designer Evan K. Marshall. The new 27E is an 88-foot full tri-deck motor yacht, which debuted at the 2020 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. Read the entire review on the Power & Motoryacht website.

Next, the St Pete Power and Sailboat show is a GO! The show runs from Thursday, January 14 through Sunday, January 17, 2021, by the St Pete Municipal Marina and Albert Witted Park in Downtown St Petersburg, FL. Show organizer,  Informa Markets, collaborated with partners and authorities to develop the “AllSecure health and safety standards” as an industry-wide protocol that raises the bar on high-quality event experiences. All Informa events run according to official government and local authority guidance. The key message this year is to PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS AHEAD OF TIME.

Finally, we look at the new MJM Yachts 3z, slated to debut in January 2021. With standard twin 300 hp Mercury 300XL outboards, the MJM 3z reports a top-end speed of about 43.4 knots and a cruise speed of 33 knots. Read more about how the Carolina bow flare helps deflect spray away and keep the boat dry when cutting through a seaway in a full review by Yachting Magazine.


Hear from Taylor Gilmour, Director of Development and Communications for the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast (HSTC) and learn more about the adoption process, fostering and volunteer opportunities, and the plethora of other services offered to encourage and promote responsible ownership. HSTC partnered with MarineMax Stuart for a Big Woofer Weekend, and the opportunity to shop boats and adopt dogs all at the same time! 


A look into the social media world reveals a cute little guy and a scary big guy!


You can see or hear more episodes of Boating Broadcast and our sister podcast, Boating Tips LIVE, on The MarineMax Blog, accessible on the website or via mobile phone through the MarineMax App. or you can also access more episodes on Amazon, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast news. We hope you enjoyed today's Boating Broadcast, as always, Stay healthy, boat happy!

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