From the Helm | Boating Broadcast | The all-new Sea Ray Sundancer 370 Outboard

MarineMax From The Helm Boating Broadcast is an entertaining take on the boating and yachting lifestyle. Tune in to the weekly video podcast that connects boat owners, innovators, and leaders in the boating industry. 

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From the Helm, Boating Broadcast is brought to you by MarineMax, the nation’s largest boat retailer.


First up, Rusty Van Ranch challenged his brothers to see who could build the fastest tugboat from a sandbox. He won, and the Tugski Boat was born! This fully operational vessel is something to behold. Read the full story by Boating Magazine.

Next, The BoatUS Foundation and Berkley team up for a year-long "Recast & Recycle Contest." They're seeking new ideas and improvements to the current process for recycling fishing line and soft bait. A total of $30,000 in prize money is at stake for any boater, angler, armchair technologist, team, student, or anyone willing to submit a contest entry now through May 14, 2021. Put your thinking caps on and read more about the contest here.

Last but not least, we tease Sea Ray's latest creation, the newly redesigned Sundancer 370 Outboard! Stay tuned for an interview with Charlie Foss, Design Director, who led the design process and evolution that will come to life on this boat (and future Sea Rays.) Also sitting for the interview is Ritch Ragle, Sales Director. He's been highly involved in the almost 4-year project and can speak to how new features and design will improve the boating experience.


Sea Ray's Charlie Foss (Design Director) and Ritch Ragle (Sales Director) tell us about the all-new Sea Ray Sundancer 370 Outboard, hitting the market in April 2021. Tune in to learn about the inspiration behind the new design language and key features, including the panoramic hardtop, convertible transom seating, futuristic helm station, luxurious cabin for 4, and authentic materials used in construction. Plus, stick around to hear where you can see this new model in person.


 recycling! Check out these repurposed hydrofoils. Who knew leftover scrap metal could make so many kids happy! Next up, the hydrofoils news continues. Take a look at this beautiful Aquila 36 Hydro Glide with her new family. Watch more videos and read more about the Aquila Hydro Glide Foils system.


You can see or hear more episodes of Boating Broadcast and our sister podcast, Boating Tips LIVE, on The MarineMax Blog, accessible on the website or via mobile phone through the MarineMax App. or you can also access more episodes on Amazon, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast news. We hope you enjoyed today's Boating Broadcast, as always, Stay healthy, boat happy!

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