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Breaking The Mold

Galeon Yachts are crafted to lead, not follow. 
Never satisfied with the status quo, they continue to create innovative features like expandable balconies and power windows while introducing new models like our convertible Skydeck range and the Galeon 500 Fly. With imagination at the helm, they're redefining luxury. They're redefining what it means to break the mold.  
MarineMax white Yacht cruising through the ocean.

Find Your Yacht

Yacht ownership at MarineMax comes with superb benefits like rendezvous trips and parties, VIP boat show access, and dedicated yacht owner services. Start down the path and explore our stunning yachts.
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MarineMax Yacht Centers with multiple yachts docked

Yacht Ownership Services

In addition to the ownership services offered by our expert and experienced yachts team and stores, MarineMax has elevated the ownership experience once again through our partnership with Fraser Yachts Group.
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Woman relaxing on a sitting area while man sunbathes on a yacht.

Charter Your Yacht

Are you interested in placing your yacht in a charter fleet during periods you aren't using it? Our experienced professionals at will work with you to develop your personal plan.
Charter Your Yacht