Wakesport Enthusiasts Come Together to Support Education Over Legislation
ROGERS, MN (April 29, 2021) – Wakesurfing is by far the most popular watersport currently, and the number of surfers has grown to record numbers. While the vast majority of wakesurfers follow the rules, written and unwritten, there have been a growing number of calls to regulate or even ban wakeboats and wakesurfing from our lakes and rivers.
Erik Forsberg, MarineMax Minnesota General Manager, comments, “Our mission is to provide the world’s best pleasure boating experience with an emphasis on teaching, servicing, and showing our customers how to have fun. We have partnered with the Midwest Wakesurf Association to extend the reach of our educational programs. With every new boat, the owner receives a full orientation from one of our certified Delivery Captains. With the watersports crowd, there is a lot more to learn, and Andy and his team are working to provide the resources to keep our communities educated and safe.”
MarineMax Minnesota takes boating education and safety seriously and encourages this same approach to watersports. That is why they joined forces with a new organization called the Midwest Wakesurf Association (MWWSA.) The goal is to promote safe and respectful wakesurfing and decrease the need for new wakeboat and wakesurfing regulations.
Andy Weigman, Co-Director of the Midwest Wakesurf Association, comments, “Our mission is to promote safe and respectful wakesurfing as well as educational opportunities for surfers. The goal is to make a positive impact on the water so that more extreme measures, like wakesurfing bans and regulation, do not happen.”
Join the MWWSA to learn more and support education over legislation. Membership includes access to in-person classes that discuss everything from driving an inboard to driving a surfer, trick tips, virtual classes via video modules, and perks from business partners like gas discounts on the lake. Your dues will also help support and share their message of safe and respectful wakesurfing.
To learn more and join, visit the Minnesota Wakesurf Association website. Use discount code MWWSA25 at checkout for 25% off.

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