Top 5 Can't-Miss Getaways!

The MarineMax family comes together to explore destinations near and far during Getaways!® trips. Find out what our social media fans said were the ones you absolutely can't miss.
  • Atlantic City, NJ

    Atlantic City

    Tony in New Jersey says, "We had an awesome time at our Getaway! in Atlantic City. We made lifelong friends there, and still go out on the water with them whenever we can!"
  • Charleston, SC


    Brett in South Carolina says, "Our Getaway! to Charleston was an unforgettable day! Good food and beautiful scenery."
  • The Florida Keys

    Florida Keys

    Kathy in Florida says, "Having been to three Getaways! already, we can't wait for the next one in the Florida Keys! Nothing better than spending time with other boaters in some of the most gorgeous places on Earth."
  • The Bahamas

    Bimini, Bahamas

    George in Alabama says, "I highly recommend the Lobster Bash in Bimini, Bahamas. Fireworks, tasty lobster, a costume party, and much more!"
  • Put-in-Bay


    Terry in Ohio says, "We loved the Put-in-Bay Getaway!  Two great days of 'island time' with wonderful people and fine food."
  • Did Your Go-To Spot Make The List?

    If your favorite boating destination isn't here, follow us on your favorite social media channel and let us know where you like to enjoy life on the water!
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woman piggy backing on a man in clear turquoise waters with a yacht in the distance

Discover New Places

Some last a day, others a weekend or longer. Either way, our Getaways!® will have you enjoying the boating lifestyle in no time.
It's time for fun
Family enjoying their time on the boat.


MarineMax Vacations in the British Virgin Islands and Bahamas are another way we are able to help our customers enjoy the boating lifestyle and enhance their passion for the water.
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