Creating the Perfect Endless Wave
By Alan Jones
In the early days of wakesurfing, those looking to build the biggest wave possible had to rely on the brute force of ballast alone. Today’s wakesurf boats use advanced technology to create the perfect wave in a variety of ways. MarineMax has chosen only the best watersports boat brands to sell at its authorized retail locations and buyers can choose from its national inventory of boats, not just the ones a local dealer has.
Tige Boats
Tigé boats start building a wave with its ConvexV hull design that curves up toward the stern to allow its boats to settle deeper in the water to organically create a larger wave at slower speeds. Then, its patented, new-gen Taps 3T system allows drivers to be able to shape and build wakes even further using a three-plate system (think industrial-strength, uniquely-shaped trim tabs). It can even help create a recreational slalom wake.
Its legendary Z1 model has been reinvented to include Tigé’s new GO System of wake control that makes it easy for drivers of abilities to dial up the perfect conditions for each rider in whatever watersport they choose. With one tap of the screen, ballast, speed and Taps T3 settings are automatically locked in. And when wakesurfing, changing wave sides quickly from goofy to regular — on-the-fly — is just one tap away.
ATX Surf Boats
Created in 2019 by Tigé Boats, this stand-alone brand is built in the same factory as its ultra-premium sibling but features a surf-centric focus for its three-model lineup that is priced to make wakesurfing a sport everyone can enjoy.
ATX models, like the new 24 Type-S, have access to many of the wave-building and control technologies pioneered by Tigé such as Taps T3 and ConvexV hull design, and has 2,750 pounds of stock ballast. The ATXperience Control System is a 7-inch screen that helps create the perfect wave, even for drivers new to wakesports. The ATX Shock Tower Side Tow Point is perfect to help beginners get up in the pocket instead of having to maneuver there.
The Super Air Nautique S21 and Super Air Nautique S23 use the Nautique Surf System (NSS) with Waveplate technology to carve one of the best waves in the industry. Unlike most wakesurf plates that move up and down, Nautique’s unique system use plates that extend out to the side and down to interrupt the flow of the water to help create a wide range of wakes from long and mellow to steep and tall and everything in between.
The surfer has several ways to control the action. With Surf Control, a rider can switch sides with the press of a wristband button. Surfers can even connect using select Garmin wearables to allow them to control the boat’s speed, ballast, wave shape and even music volume without having to resort to a game of charades with the driver to signal their preferences.

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