Ocean Alexander

Ocean Alexander is obsessed with proving that their yachts’ unmistakable splendor and engineering excellence will never fail you. We’re fanatical about performance. Gripped with the idea that any object this wondrous and rare deserves to be constantly examined and refined. With over 45 years of boat-building history, Ocean Alexander is a proven leader among yacht manufacturers.



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2021 Ocean Alexander East Coast Rendezvous - Atlantis, Paradise Island Bahamas

On April 8-11th, Ocean Alexander customers gathered for a weekend in paradise at Atlantis! Guests enjoyed exciting activities like swimming with dolphins, spa amenities, golf, and fishing charters.

Ocean Alexander 28R - Revolutionize Your Voyage

Sit back and enjoy the highlights found aboard the Ocean Alexander 28 Meter Revolution Yacht. ---- Those with a passion for the water understand there’s no place as invigorating as the open sea. It’s this passion that drives OCEAN ALEXANDER to constantly push the boundaries of our designs and elevate our yachts to an unparalleled level of elegance, safety and style.

Ocean Alexander 35R | The Revolution Continues

Sit back and enjoy the highlights found aboard the Ocean Alexander 35R meter Revolution Yacht.